IPL Photofacial

for sun damaged skin and redness

Photofacial is for the treatment of sun damaged skin. Photofacial (Intense Pulsed Light) is a fast and effective simple light based procedure to lighten pigmentation caused by sun exposure and small facial veins from various causes. Photofacial can be used on the face, arms and chest.

IPL Photofacial treatments break up pigment so the body can more easily remove it through exfoliation. Small capillaries are heated to the point of coagulation and are then absorbed by the natural cleansing system of the body.

Photofacial is ideal for

  • Sun damage: Wide areas of pigmentation on the face, chest and arms.

  • Sunspots: Individual pigmented lesions, also known as age spots or liver spots.

    • Results: The sunspots will darken after treatment and be naturally shed from the skin within 1-2 weeks.

  • Rosacea: General inflammation of the cheeks and face.

    • Results: Skin tone will be more normal, with less pronounced redness within one week after treatment.

  • Spider veins: Individual vessels, which can be red, blue or purple in color.

    • Results: Vessels may disappear after treatment or they may appear darker and then fully or partially fade within 10-14 days.

What’s the procedure like

A cool gel is spread over the area to be treated. You will wear small protective eye goggles. The hand piece will be moved over your skin while the light is pulsed. Each pulse will send a beam of light through the skin. A flashing light, an audible tone, and a mild sensation on the skin indicate when the hand piece is being pulsed.

Intense pulsed light is strong light. First-timers may be surprised at the flash of light which is noticed even with the wearing of goggles. Once you know to expect this, it is easy to relax and know the light is simply "doing it's job".

The sensation is a slight "snap" feeling, but it is not painful. Treatments are over in 10 to 15 minutes. Typically, several treatments will be necessary to achieve complete clearance of sunspots, rosacea and vessels.

IPL Photofacial is an excellent way to restore a more youthful appearance to hands. As we age, often it is our hands that "give away" our age.

what is the healing process?

Immediately after treatment, you can expect a mild sunburn-like sensation, sometimes accompanied by some minor swelling if you are particularly sensitive. This usually lasts 2-24 hours, and can be soothed with a washcloth dipped in cold water or ice packs.


Sun protection is your primary post-treatment requirement. IPL is a gentle procedure and does not require unusual after-care. But you will need to protect your treated skin from sun exposure to prevent causing new sun damage.


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